This strategy is compiled from chapter 3 in the book by Priscilla Shirer: "Fervent".
Has the enemy devalued your strength and magnified your insecurities lately?
Do you feel like your life is meaningless?
Don't let him get away with his lies one more day. Arm yourself with truth.
You are alive and free, protected and empowered, fully equipped to stand and fight victoriously against him.
In what specific areas have you been brainwashed into believing you are weak and hopeless and have nothing of value to offer?
How has the accuser been messing with your mind?
If your defenses are down and your resolve is weak, it is likely his accusations have turned your focus back in on yourself instead of your wonderful Savior.
If all you can think of are your own imperfections, inadequacies and failures, you have forgotten that no matter what charges are legitimately made against you, they are no match for the powerful transformation that God is accomplishing in your salvation.
Get your nose in the Word, your knees on the floor and start living like who you are in Christ. Satan is hoping you will never fully realize all the wonderful things that have been permanently credited to your account in order to keep you sidelined by guilt or sidetracked by trying to earn the things you already have.
It's time to pray strategically like Paul did. It's time you fully realize the unlimited resources you have to live victoriously.
You are fully functional with weapons the enemy has no answer for.
You are loved by God, sealed by His Spirit, forgiven of all sin even the most shameful. You are God's and God is yours. You have access to every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Eph. 5:8-9. Eph 1:3-14, 17-20, 2:4-6. Rm. 8:37.
Ezek. 16:10-13. Jn. 1:12-13. Eph. 2:10. Rm. 8:15-17. Isa 51:1.
Deut. 4:20. Isa. 49:16. II Cor. 4:6-7. I Peter 2:9.