Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Beth Moore - Entrusted Session 1 - Divine Triangulation

We began session 1 of the "Entrusted" series by Beth Moore on Wednesday night.  This 6-week series is concerning 2 Timothy - Paul's final letter to his beloved son Timothy.  

He is entrusting him with the gospel and not to be ashamed to fulfill God's call on his life.  Beth Moore will challenge us as well in this study to do the same.

Our theme for session 1 was found in Acts 14:1-7.  Though we won't find the younger man's name anywhere in sight, Paul's last letter to Timothy originates in Acts 14.

In verse 6, Lystra was the crossing of the paths of Paul & Timothy.

In this study, Beth says "we will establish one enormous goal.  We were meant to be mighty!"  We must grasp that there is no higher calling than to be called servant of God.  Her statement says it all:

"Mighty servants of God turned loose on this globe in the great name of Jesus."

In the New Testament, Paul and others describe themselves as the servant of God or bond-slave of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Any age, any background can be raised up to be a mighty servant of God.

The truth is we cannot be mighty on our own.  Beth said this: "only when the Holy Spirit begins to fill us and the word of God begins to thrill us, that's when courage starts coming to the surface."

We must remember that we are not just studying the scriptures to build up our Bible knowledge.  We study to get to know our God.  In knowing the scriptures, we can then be equipped to do what He's called us to do.

In Acts 14:1from the NIV it says ".....there they spoke so effectively...."

How can we ramp up our effectiveness?  Through the Word of God and through the Holy Spirit.

How should we communicate our faith?

  • Share Christ's story (Luke 1)
  • Share your story
  • Share our story
Bring to them what you know.  A big part of our effectiveness is also our connectedness.

Throughout this series the constant theme will be the Paul & Timothy Paradigm.  The elder and the younger.  The elder bringing the younger along, getting him on his journey and his calling.

Beth also stressed that we cannot become a mighty servant of God by ourself.  We need connectedness to the body of Christ.

Along with our effectiveness we also need focus.  We cannot mulitask and think we are effective.  We must decide on what we want to focus on.  The question we need to ask ourselves is:

What do I really want my life to be about when it's all said and done.

Walking with a higher level of effectiveness takes faith.  Look at Acts 14:8-11.  Paul "looked at his face".  He must have noticed something in this man when he looked at him - probably noticed his faith.  What did the man do?  He sprang up to his feet.

We can do everything right but never get to the next level of effectiveness without faith - Hebrews 11:6.

We learned:
  • We are called to do what we cannot do
  • We are called to be someone we cannot be
  • We are called to speak to mountains
Through the Spirit of God, we are enabled to do this.  God responds to our faith.

We are apt to say to ourselves "but I've always been this way."

We were then challenged by this statement:

"Who among us is willing to believe the power of Jesus could dramatically change something that has been true of you since birth?

God has always been miraculous, omnipotent, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise.  He's always been the creator who can make something out of absolutely nothing.  And because God has always been who He's always been, you do not have to be who you've always been."

Powerful statement.

Look at Acts 14:11-18 - the people reacted to what had just been done.  Know this, that all our serving lives, we will deal with "erroneus estimations of others."  Those who adore us can also so drastically turn quickly on us.  They first wanted to sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas thinking them gods and then so quickly turned on them.

Notice what Paul did after he was stoned by the people:

"...he got up and went back into the city."

Beth's last words in this session to us were these:

Just. Keep. Getting. Back. Up.

Session 2: "Purpose and Grace"

Monday, October 23, 2017

Priscilla Shirer: "Discerning the Voice of God" Session 6

We have come to the last session on the "Discerning the Voice of God" series.  Priscilla Shirer is an incredibly clear communicator when she teaches.

Session 6: A Continual State of Readiness.

Take care of the one thing, Priscilla stated.  If you do this, so much of the other messes will be worked out.  Pay attention.

What is that "one thing?"  Hearing the voice of God.  It will lead us to "just being a Christian attending church to someone who is actually alight to the fire of God."

We need to live by the supernatural not just the natural.  Don't just participate in religious activity but do the "one thing."

The one thing is relationship with Jesus Christ.

We looked at John 10:1-5, 27 but particularly verse 27:

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me...."

The truths Priscilla shared with us in this one verse were a wealth of information of what is important in hearing the voice of God.

We were given four points to look at:

#1 - The Relationship - My sheep

We learned a bit about shepherding in the Middleastern culture at this time:

  • Shepherds could have up to 100 sheep in their fold
  • A shepherd would sleep in a sheepfold with the sheep
  • There could be up to 9 or 10 shepherds with their sheep all coming into the same sheepfold
One shepherd would stay behind in the fold.  He was called the porter.  He would lay his body across the opening of the sheepfold so that he would become the door of the fold.  The protector.  Everyone had to pass through him to get in.  No stranger could enter.

In the morning, when the shepherds came back from town to claim their flock of sheep, the porter would confirm that each shepherd was one of the true shepherds of one of the flocks inside and then would allow him to pass inside.

The shepherd would then call his sheep.  Only the sheep who knew that shepherd's voice would recognize it and follow him out.

Priscilla then went to John 14:6: "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me."

There is only one way to have a relationship with God: know the shepherd.

When you become a believer, you become part of the family of God.

We now, as a believer, have the rights and privileges as recorded in Ephesians 2:19:

"Therefore you are no longer outsiders (exiles, migrants, and aliens, excluded from the rights of citizens), but you now share citizenship with the saints (God's own people, consecrated and set apart for Himself); and you belong to God's (own) household."

Romans 1:18-25 tells us that creation speaks about our God - gives general revelation about Him.  But we need more than just general revelation.  We need details, specifics.

I Corinthians 2:14 says this: "But the natural (unbelieving) man does not accept the things (the teachings and revelations) of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness (absurb and illogical) to him; and he is incapable of understanding them, because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, (and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters).

Hearing's God voice, Priscilla said, is not possible for someone who isn't born into the family of God.  With this relationship, we then have access to God and hear His voice.

#2 - The Result - Hear My Voice

Expect God to speak

This is our default posture.  Relationship equals hearing His voice.

Remember also that delays and detours are divine interruptions.  You're going along in life and bam!  You hit a speed bump.  It's there for a reason.  Pay attention!

Then He gives the reason they hear His voice:

#3 - The Reason - I know them

The shepherd would spend time with the sheep collectively and individually.  Also, he would have a specific call that was unique to one sheep as well as to the whole flock.

This doesn't happen today.  Electronics has taken over shepherding.  She said they "brand them and move on or hover with a helicopter to herd them."  According to Priscilla, they don't have to get to know their sheep anymore. 

"If there is one reason we have lost intimate relationship with our Shepherd, it's with each new advancement in modern technology, intimacy ends.  Time with Him ends.

She mentioned a book called "The Tyranny of the Urgent" by Charles Hummel.

Social media, internet, pings and notifications on phones has taken our attention.

Priscilla said that "we just need to give God a turn to talk."

"When I talk, nothing happens; when God talks, the universe comes into existence." - Bob Sorge

We need to leave space to just listen to God.  Everything God has to say to us will fall within the boundaries of scripture, so spend time reading the scriptures was Priscilla's urgent cry to us.  He will shine a spotlight in His scriptures to us.

#4 - The Response - They follow Me

We need to trust that He is a good Shepherd.  He's not only a good Shepherd:

He is your great Shepherd. (Hebrews 13:20)

Our time of study ended with with Priscilla saying:

"We need to know that He only leads to green pastures and still waters to refresh us.

We have a good Shepherd.  Follow where He leads."

Speak Lord!

Priscilla Shirer: "Discerning the Voice of God" Session 5

What a journey we have taken in this study with Priscilla Shirer.  She's talked about our stance of obedience, that the Holy Spirit is the primary way we hear from God, the Holy Spirit guides us progressively, personally and internally, and that discerning the voice of God connects strongly to God's character. 

In Session 5, Priscilla talks about "Revealing of His Plans."  

This is the statement Priscilla made:  "Our God showers us with grace and mercy, kissing us so to speak, but we're totally unaware of it."  She had just related a story about her boys and ended with this statement.

It's hard to hear His voice when life is tough or we're in a season of dryness.  She said that when we're in these times, we have to remember:

  • He is for you
  • He is with you
  • His handiwork still surrounds you
  • He intends to do you good
In Exodus 3:1-2, there is an encouragement for us in these scriptures.

Moses was in a dry place - the middle of the desert tending sheep for 40 years.  It was in this dry place, that the "smoke signal of God's glory", as Priscilla puts it, shows up.

This is what you need to know in your dry place:

Principle #1 - God manifests His presence in the desert.

Bushes don't burn in palaces.  They burn in deserts.  

The best place for His voice to be clearly heard is not when we're in the place where life is going great (the palace), but while in the dry wilderness season of your life (the desert).

She instructed us not to be discouraged there but to "look to see traces of His glory all around you."

What can happen in this place?
  • our hearts are more tender
  • we're expecting to see glimpses of God's glory
  • expecting God is going to move
C.S. Lewis said this:

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain."

God is weaving together a masterpiece for your life when you think He is doing nothing - nothing is happening, nothing is changing.

"Your life is a masterpiece God is writing", Priscilla said.

Do you think God has forgotten you?

Hebrews 13:5b says this: "I will never leave you nor will I forsake you."

We looked at several passages of scripture relating stories of difficulties and seeing God's hand in it all:
  • Luke 24:13-35 - Road to Emmaus
  • Isaiah 6:1 - King Uzziah's death
  • Daniel 3 - The fiery furnace
  • Habakkuk 2:3 - Habakkuk lamenting the state of the nation
  • Genesis 37-47 - Joseph's story
  • Book of Esther - Esther's story
  • Book of Ruth - Ruth's story
  • Luke 22-24 - Jesus' story
We learned that the beauty of these stories and our God is that "difficulty turns into triump."

The key to seeing God's plan while in the desert is to take your attention off of the circumstances and place them on God's presence in the circumstances.  See Exodus 3:3 "I must turn aside and look."

Moses looked at the supernatural act happening in front of him.

We should not magnify the problem, but magnify our God - worship Him.  We must be intentional about doing this in our season of dryness.

A book Priscilla mentioned that might help us fix our attention on Jesus is a written-down book of prayers.  These prayers, she said, can be a launching pad for conversations with God when we feel too dry to even pray.  ("A Diary of Private Prayer" by John Baillie).

She also mentioned that in Exodus 3:1 "Moses was in the wilderness performing the duty he was instructed to perform."  We were asked to highlight:
  • pasturing
  • leading
  • mountain of God
He wasn't disengaged.

Sometimes the reason why we don't hear God's voice in our season of dryness is we have totally disengaged from what He has given us to do.  Our attitudes and actions are not fully invested in what He has put in front of us to do.

Principle #2 - God equips you for His purposes in the desert.

Moses is called to attend another type of flock - the Israelities. 

Maybe you're feeling stuck or feel as if you're not gaining any ground.  Maybe you're wondering why you're in this season.  Remember this:

He's giving you the character , the substance, the fortification, the foundational work that will be necessary for Him to accomplish His work through you.

God is doing a foundational work in us during this season that we cannot see.  "It will be exactly what you'll need for the next season of your life."

Moses was not just leading the Israelities but leading them to a particular destination: the mountain of God (Exodus 19-20).

Principle #3 - God recharts your course in the desert.

....take your sandals off. The place you're standing on his Holy ground."

Everytime we see glimpses of God's glory, it's our invitation to worship, Priscilla said.

Her encouragement to us in our season of dryness was that:
  • our ears would be open
  • our heart would be primed
  • our eyes would be alight
So that:

We would see the goodness and grace of God even in our desert season.

Session 6: "A Continual State of Readiness" 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Priscilla Shirer "Discerning the Voice of God" Session 4

We're halfway through the DVD-based Bible study with Priscilla Shirer.  Only two more amazing teachings to go.  She's always inspiring and challenging us to go deeper.

These are my notes from Session 4 "Reflective of His Heart."

Priscilla shared a story about how her mom, when she had to leave Priscilla at a relatives home, would cup Priscilla's chin in her hands and say "I will come back to get you.  I will return so wait until I come to get you."  This always reassured her and made her feel secure and safe.

God is like this with us as well.  When we go to His word, He cups our chin in His hands and says "this is who I am. Everything I have promised, I will accomplish, if you will just believe me and trust my character."

Our God has a very strong character.

Priscilla said that "discerning God's voice connects strongly to God's character."  If we know His character, we'll know His voice.

Psalms 119:10 and 18 were our go-to verses for this session.

David had experienced so many difficulties in his life.  He knew the feeling of God not hearing him in prayer as well as many other circumstances: 

  • Family issues
  • Wanted by the King of Israel and on the run
  • Knowing the pit of sin and needing God's mercy
  • Experiencing the feeling that the wicked were prevailing
We see in Psalms 119:10 that he set his sights on the Lord, focusing on Him.

"With my whole heart have I sought You, inquiring for and of You and yearning for You; oh, let me not wander  or step aside (either in ignorance or willfully) from Your commandments." NIV

Have you noticed that sometimes in our difficulties we stop focusing on God, stop yearning for Him and desiring Him above everything else?  Do you see in verse 10 that David does the seeking?

Priscilla shared a couple simple keys to help us in this time of hearing God.  

The first key to hearing God is to refocus our attention just on God Himself.

Ask these questions, Priscilla said:
  • Am I using God?
  • Do I only want Him for what He can do for me?
  • Do I only want Him because I'm anticipating and expecting that He will speak to me and give me a word?
  • Am I truly seeking His presence alone?
We need to just want to be with Him.  In our church culture today, we're so busy being entertained, Priscilla said, that we barely have time to worship.  We've lost the desire to just be with Him.  She said "we need to spend time with the God we say we have relationship with."  Powerful.

"What will make us different and "mark" us is His presence, His annointing."

A.W. Tozer said this:

"Whoever seeks God as a means toward desired ends will not find God.  The mighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, will not be one of many treasures, not even the chief of all treasures.  He will be all in all or He will be nothing."

Frantic religious activity isn't always proof of a God-seeker.  We need to practice the presence of God.

What does that mean?

In our everyday life: being at the playground with our kids or grandkids praying for each one as they play, folding clothes and meditating on a verse, doing dishes and praying while you do dishes or meditating on a verse you've posted at your sink, walking, driving to and from work praying, helping a friend in need - reminding ourselves that He is the prize. 

I read somewhere that it's the small things we do each day that make a difference.

Priscilla also shared that "whatever the Bible teaches you about the character of God becomes the framework through which you can more clearly discern what He will want to speak to you in the future."  Think about that statement.

The Word of God speaks to us.  The Holy Spirit knows exactly what we need if we would just value being in His presence.

In Psalms 119:10, David also puts the responsibility on the Lord:

"Do not let me wander from your law."

And in verse 18:

"Open my eyes"......

Our heart should say "I'll come to Your Word, but You do the opening."

When we are seeking Him, God will hold us close to keep us from wandering.  He will open our eyes.  He will give us understanding.

Key #2 to hearing God is relax.  

"It is our responsibility to get to know God.  It is His responsibility to keep us from wandering astray."

"It is God's responsibility to cause you to hear and recognize His voice."

Just remember, that if we are wandering, the Spirit will let us know.  What is our response?  "Yes, Lord."

In summary, we can say that the more we know God, the more we'll hear His voice and know His voice.

Priscilla ended this session with this:

"The more you connect with the conviction of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, pause to just hear what the Spirit is saying, or challenging and impressing upon you, the more intimate you are with Him, then you will find that errors are lessened in your ability to discern the voice of God."

The Holy Spirit is our "hound of heaven."

Next: Session 5 "Revealing of His Plans"