Monday, February 26, 2018

Kelly Minter "All Things New" - Session 1

These are my notes from Session 1 of "All Things New" by Bible teacher Kelly Minter.

To get the most out of this study, I would encourage you to purchase the workbook.  This workbook contains much more information and further study for each chapter of 2 Corinthians than in the actual teaching sessions.

In the introduction, Kelly says that all the things she didn't know about 2 Corinthians is what moved her and changed her.  She gives us a bit of history and context.

Paul wrote 2 Corinthians from Macedonia in AD 54 or 55.  Approximately 80,000 people lived in ancient Corinth at the time of Paul's writing.  On the outskirts, about 20,000 more people lived.

Corinth sat on an isthmus, meaning there were two harbors.  You can imagine how busy this city was with ships, trade, buying and selling goods of every kind.

At this time, a lot of dark things were going on:
  • Slavery
  • Prostitution
  • Corruption
  • Immorality
Paul wrote this letter to a group of believers who had great opposition towards Paul:
  • They were judging him
  • They were questioning his integrity
  • They questioned his apostleship
  • They found their own apostles (super apostles)
  • They paid great attention to social status, wealth, power
  • They compared themselves amongst themselves
  • They judged according to the world's standards
The Corinth church was upset with Paul because he didn't come visit them when he said he would come.  They questioned, also, his integrity and his message about Christ.  Their hearts were withdrawing from him.

Second Corinthians was written out of great desperation and grief.  Everything in this book Paul writes out of a place of pain:
  • Relational hardship
  • Dissension
This is Kelly's introductory statement for 2 Corinthians:

Second Corinthians is a letter to a church in a city, written out of weakness, with an open heart about a new ministry that changes lives because Jesus has made all things new."

She starts with 2 Corinthians 1:1-2 (please read).  Notice: "to the church of God in Corinth." Kelly asks this question: "how can the church of God be thriving in Corinth?"  Her answer: Because the gospel of Christ is made for real life.  We need the power of the gospel.

She shares 5 points from this introductory statement:

We'll discover that the church of God is meant to thrive in real life. Thrive in hardships, difficulties, complexities of life, pain, struggles and messiness of life.

Second Corinthians was written out of weakness.  Paul has endured much suffering and much pain over the broken relationship of the Corinth church.  Kelly says this "we will come to love our weakness because of what Christ can do through our weakness."

Second Corinthians 4:7 says this "but we have this precious treasure (the good news of salvation) in earthen vessels (of human fraility), so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be (shown to be) from God (His sufficiency) and not from ourselves."

Notice: "jars of clay" (earthen vessels).  Paul didn't mean we were not valuable.  Possibly he was meaning jars of clay are fragile, weak.  The treasure inside that jar of clay (earthen vessel), when that comes shining through, it is glorious knowing that it comes from God and not ourselves.

Paul will talk a lot about our weakness.  In our weakness, the power of Christ shines through (2 Cor. 12:9).  Our weakness does not have to be our greatest consternation.  It will be our blessing.  Why? Because we will embrace and not resist it and know that's when the power of Christ rests upon us.

Written with an open heart. Chapter 6 of second Corinthians verses 11 and 12 speak of his open heart.  Admist all the attacks from the Corinth church, Paul is able to keep an open heart. This literally means for the heart to be stretched open.  

Do we keep our hearts open when we are attacked?  Do we withdrawal our heart or retaliate?

Paul has challenged us.  Let's be determined to keep our hearts stretched open as well.

A new ministry that changes lives.  The scripture used here chapter 3:6 He has qualified us (making us sufficient) as ministers of a new covenant (of salvation through Christ), not of the letter (of a written code) but of the Spirit; for the letter (of the law) kills (by revealing sin and demanding obedience), but the Spirit gives life.

Paul will take four chapters to explain what Christian ministry looks like and what it is - chapters 3-6.  In these chapters, Paul talks about:
  • What the power of the gospel is
  • What ministry looks like 
It's a new covenant of the Spirit, not of the Law.  Kelly mentioned some other points she will talk about because of the New Covenant.

We are more poised for ministry than we ever thought we were.
Our competency comes from God alone.  Why is that true?  Because Jesus Christ came to make all things new (2 Cor. 5:17).

This covers what Kelly will be talking about in this 8-week DVD series on 2 Corinthians.

Please see notes on "Session 2"

Saturday, February 24, 2018

All Things New - Online Bible Study/Kelly Minter Session 2 "The God of all Comfort"

Welcome to session 2 of Kelly Minter's "All Things New."

These are my notes from this DVD-driven Bible study. A more in-depth study is provided in Kelly Minter's weekly workbook.  I would encourage you to purchase this workbook to dive deeper into the 2 Corinthians chapters.  Kelly gives amazing insight into 2 Corinthians in the workbook you will not want to miss.

Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11.

Notice firstly, "Father of compassion."  The Greek word for this word "compassion" is oyktirmos - the seat of our emotions.  The bowels of our emotions.  This is how God feels about us.  He's the source of this compassion.

Secondly, notice the word "comfort." The Greek word for this is paraklesis. The God who helps you. It's like God is saying "you can do it."  

We tend to forget these two words in our suffering, in our troubles.

When we are suffering, Kelly says, "everything is below the clouds.  We've got to get the ice off of our wings for us to see above the clouds." (referring to an airplane story she told).

How do we get the "ice" off of our wings?

  • Go to God's Word
  • What does He say about suffering?
When we do this, we get to see what God sees.

What does Paul say about Christian suffering:

Suffering is never without purpose.
As believers, we don't suffer as the world suffers.  Verse 4 says "we comfort others with the comfort we've received.

It's not the suffering that makes you a good comforter, Kelly says, rather it's the comfort you receive from Jesus in the midst of your suffering that makes you a good comforter.

Verse 6 says "it creates in us a patient endurance."  This is not a valued quality in our culture, says Kelly.

Look at Romans 5:3-5 - there's a chain reaction here.  How about Hebrews 5:8.  Jesus learned obedience through suffering.  Have we?

In 2 Corinthians 1:9, we shift from relying on ourselves to relying on God.  Suffering can get us to the end of ourselves rather quickly.  We run out of our resources and must rely on God's resources.

Suffering never flows apart from God's comfort.
In verse 5, abundance in suffering but also abundance in comfort.
They flow together.  Are we receiving the comfort God offers?

Suffering connects us to others in ways no other experience can.
Verse 7 - we share in each others sufferings.  Look also at I Corinthians 12:26 "and if one member suffers, all the parts share the suffering".  We have a deeper empathy with others.  When we've gone through similar sufferings, use that investment of suffering to reach out to someone else.

Suffering is the means to a unique sharing in relationship with Jesus.
Philippians 3:10 "so that I may know Him (becoming more thoroughly acquainted) with Him, understanding the remarkable wonders of His Person and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings"....

Through Christ our comfort overflows (2 Corinthians 1:5):
  • Sufferings flow over us into our lives
  • Comfort of God flows through Jesus into our lives
Next Session 3: "A New Ministry"