Sunday, September 8, 2024

Abide: Session 10: Imitate God - Gaius


Second John showed us to guard truth - external conflict.

Third John is about internal conflict.

Verse 1. Gaius "my dear friend".

Verse 2. So convinced that his soul is healthy.

Verse 3. Report was good about Gaius.  He was walking in the truth and obedience.

Verse 4. John rejoices as Gaius is walking in the truth (John's response).  His deep and abiding faithfulness to the truth.  What relationships give us joy?  Gaius will pass the test of truth and righteousness and love.

Verse 5. Test of love he passes.  Who is Gaius being faithful, trustworthy and loving to? To God.  Gaius is doing a difficult work - effort.  He demonstrates love to strangers too.

Verse 6b-8. "A manner worthy of God" - send them with every provision.  Abraham also in Genesis with the strangers.  Probably itinerate missionaries these strangers.  Fellowship is a marker of Christian community.  We become fellow-workers when we support other missions.  We can use our words to bless, our money to bless, etc.

Verses 9-10.  Diotrephes (imitates evil).  Internal threat to the health of the church.  Discrediting the apostles.  Gossiping.  Making allies. "Wicked nonsense".  Doesn't go into detail here but has no respect for authority.  We also can have an authority issue.  We need to assess.  We need to also guard the truth.

Verses 11-12. Demetrius imitates good and not evil.  We are also to imitate good (Eph. 5:1-2).  We were made for it.

Verses 13-15. "By name" greetings.  What would John say to us now?  The same things:

.Jesus is real.  I know it!

.You are not the same because of Him

.Walk in righteousness

. Show love to each other

.Guard the truth

.Remember what you know

.Keep yourselves from idols

.He abides in you

.Abide in Him - make your home in Him

The problems of the early church are our problems as well:

1. Doctrinal confusion

2. False teachers

3. Divisions

4. Disagreements

5. Lovelessness

6. Disobedience or laziness with regard to obedience

7. Doubt

8. Believers of every level of maturity  

The assurance of the early church are ours as well:

1. Abide in the truth of Christ

2. Love the brothers

3. Walk according to the commands

4. Imitate Christ
