Thursday, October 5, 2017

Priscilla Shirer "Discerning the Voice of God" Session 4

We're halfway through the DVD-based Bible study with Priscilla Shirer.  Only two more amazing teachings to go.  She's always inspiring and challenging us to go deeper.

These are my notes from Session 4 "Reflective of His Heart."

Priscilla shared a story about how her mom, when she had to leave Priscilla at a relatives home, would cup Priscilla's chin in her hands and say "I will come back to get you.  I will return so wait until I come to get you."  This always reassured her and made her feel secure and safe.

God is like this with us as well.  When we go to His word, He cups our chin in His hands and says "this is who I am. Everything I have promised, I will accomplish, if you will just believe me and trust my character."

Our God has a very strong character.

Priscilla said that "discerning God's voice connects strongly to God's character."  If we know His character, we'll know His voice.

Psalms 119:10 and 18 were our go-to verses for this session.

David had experienced so many difficulties in his life.  He knew the feeling of God not hearing him in prayer as well as many other circumstances: 

  • Family issues
  • Wanted by the King of Israel and on the run
  • Knowing the pit of sin and needing God's mercy
  • Experiencing the feeling that the wicked were prevailing
We see in Psalms 119:10 that he set his sights on the Lord, focusing on Him.

"With my whole heart have I sought You, inquiring for and of You and yearning for You; oh, let me not wander  or step aside (either in ignorance or willfully) from Your commandments." NIV

Have you noticed that sometimes in our difficulties we stop focusing on God, stop yearning for Him and desiring Him above everything else?  Do you see in verse 10 that David does the seeking?

Priscilla shared a couple simple keys to help us in this time of hearing God.  

The first key to hearing God is to refocus our attention just on God Himself.

Ask these questions, Priscilla said:
  • Am I using God?
  • Do I only want Him for what He can do for me?
  • Do I only want Him because I'm anticipating and expecting that He will speak to me and give me a word?
  • Am I truly seeking His presence alone?
We need to just want to be with Him.  In our church culture today, we're so busy being entertained, Priscilla said, that we barely have time to worship.  We've lost the desire to just be with Him.  She said "we need to spend time with the God we say we have relationship with."  Powerful.

"What will make us different and "mark" us is His presence, His annointing."

A.W. Tozer said this:

"Whoever seeks God as a means toward desired ends will not find God.  The mighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, will not be one of many treasures, not even the chief of all treasures.  He will be all in all or He will be nothing."

Frantic religious activity isn't always proof of a God-seeker.  We need to practice the presence of God.

What does that mean?

In our everyday life: being at the playground with our kids or grandkids praying for each one as they play, folding clothes and meditating on a verse, doing dishes and praying while you do dishes or meditating on a verse you've posted at your sink, walking, driving to and from work praying, helping a friend in need - reminding ourselves that He is the prize. 

I read somewhere that it's the small things we do each day that make a difference.

Priscilla also shared that "whatever the Bible teaches you about the character of God becomes the framework through which you can more clearly discern what He will want to speak to you in the future."  Think about that statement.

The Word of God speaks to us.  The Holy Spirit knows exactly what we need if we would just value being in His presence.

In Psalms 119:10, David also puts the responsibility on the Lord:

"Do not let me wander from your law."

And in verse 18:

"Open my eyes"......

Our heart should say "I'll come to Your Word, but You do the opening."

When we are seeking Him, God will hold us close to keep us from wandering.  He will open our eyes.  He will give us understanding.

Key #2 to hearing God is relax.  

"It is our responsibility to get to know God.  It is His responsibility to keep us from wandering astray."

"It is God's responsibility to cause you to hear and recognize His voice."

Just remember, that if we are wandering, the Spirit will let us know.  What is our response?  "Yes, Lord."

In summary, we can say that the more we know God, the more we'll hear His voice and know His voice.

Priscilla ended this session with this:

"The more you connect with the conviction of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, pause to just hear what the Spirit is saying, or challenging and impressing upon you, the more intimate you are with Him, then you will find that errors are lessened in your ability to discern the voice of God."

The Holy Spirit is our "hound of heaven."

Next: Session 5 "Revealing of His Plans"


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    1. Faith Girls Connect: Priscilla Shirer "Discerning The Voice Of God" Session 4 >>>>> Download Now

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      Faith Girls Connect: Priscilla Shirer "Discerning The Voice Of God" Session 4 >>>>> Download Full

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  2. In this session Priscilla lists what God is in each of the OT and NT. I would love to have this in writing. Any way I can get that? Thanks so much. Sure am enjoying this bible study.

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