Friday, August 30, 2024

Abide: Session 9: Walk in Truth and Love


Second John, Jen says, is like a memo. It was written 90-95 A.D. The Roman empire was at its height. Roman roads helped them to govern more areas. All forms of information traveled, just like the internet.  The early church had to face problems also.

2 John 1-2. "The elder" - John is old and respected and wise.  Elder in life experiences.  Written to a house church to give assurance.

Verse 3. Greeting changed "will be with you".  Dual nature - "in truth and love" continues.  Combines truth and love.  If we have just truth, we become legalistic.  If we just have love, we become too liberal.  We need the balance.  God has the balance perfectly.

Verses 4-6. "Walk" - relating it to the commandments.  Q: what's the significance of walking here? Obedience.  Righteousness. Look at Enoch in Genesis: "walked with God".  A bright light in the midst of dark sin.  Genesis 6:9 1) a humility, 2) implies agreement - Amos 3:3, 3) an increasing mutual affection - growing in love, 4) also an exercise of our faith, 5) it implies safety, 6) encouragement, 7) a preparation for future service, 8) also implies not walking with others, 9) pursue righteousness.  A steady every day obedience, companionship with God.

Verses 7-8. False teaching corrected.  "Full reward" - this is new.  Rewards: see Matt. 20:20-28, Matt. 5:11-12. Matt. 10:40-42; Matt. 6:1-4; Matt. 6:19-20, Matt. 16:27, Luke 6:35, Col. 3:23-24, Eph. 2:10 - walk in good works, eternal reward.

Verses 9-11. Refuse a false teacher in your home.  Do not abide with them.  No endorsement.  Truth supercedes love here.  What this means for us is to watch our endorsements, books, TV, etc.

Verse 12. "Face to face" - Exodus 33:11 Moses to God.  Hard conversations face-to-face - let truth be expressed with love.

Verse 13. Church to church greeting. 

Note: UCLA study says 58% of communication is through body language.  38% through vocal tone, pitch and emphasis. 7% through the content of a message.

Would you run a marathon with 7% of your physical strength? Would you take an important test with 7% of your intelligence? Would you host a holiday gathering with only 7% of your house cleaned?

Seven percent is NOT enough to communicate truth and love.  We should act so carefully if communication is not face-to-face in which much is at stake.  John points us to that.

There is a lot we can take from John's words in this short letter:

1. We can understand the importance of face-to-face communication.

2. We can understand the importance of our endorsements.

3. We can understand that in small situations when faithfulness is demonstrated and care is taken, there can be a big reward of the local church.

How do we inhabit our local church?  Because that's where our impact will be most felt in the family of God.  We will get to learn more about that in 3 John.

Next: Session 10: Imitate God - Gaius

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