Monday, June 8, 2015

Loving Well Session 3

Last Wednesday evening 21 amazing Girlfriend's shared in the Loving Well Bible study session 3.

I look forward to these girlfriend's coming into class. The chatter among them is music to my ears.

At the beginning of class, we drew names for a special project we would all participate in at the end of class. What was that project?

Writing an encouraging note to the person on our slip of paper.  It was inspiring to see women sharing their cards with each other with huge smiles, hugs and prayers.

Part of our class project was bringing in food items for the Faith Tab food pantry.  We have collected items over a time period of 8 weeks and will be delivered to the food pantry Wednesday, June 10th.

Notes from Session 3

In session 3, Beth Moore talked about reconciliation versus restoration.  She said that reconciliation may never occur even when we have forgiven or apologized.  Restoration may never happen because some relationships are not meant to be restored or reconciled if they are toxic.  She also added that we should never minimize the power of an apology.

We went through our 4 confessions of love once again.  This is our continued memory work.  Each women received a laminated colorful 4x6 card with the 4 confessions of love printed on them.  A great reminder for us when it's difficult to love.

We looked at John 15:9 where the word "abide, dwell or remain" is used in this passage.  They are all the same word that is now used in the Greek and translated in I John 4 for "live." 

What is God saying when He says "dwell in my love?"

Beth stated that in order for us to do what He's called us to do, to be what He's called us to be and to love who He calls us to love, we are going to need to live in a constant awareness of His love for us.

He wants us to live in that reality.

Why is it so critical that we do?

Because we will never love well until we feel like we have been well-loved.

She related that "Testy" is difficult to love but "Foe" is impossible to love.  It only comes from God.  We don't have it in us to do this on our own.

In this session, we were given 4 points about love:

Let's start loving because we're loved - not so we can be loved.
Human love will still seek to satisfy itself. Without divine love, we will be self-seeking in our love.  Proverbs says: "what a man craves most is unfailing love."  We need to refrain from seeking our cup of love to be filled elsewhere or to get approval.

We were reminded of the story of Leah in Genesis 29:31-35.  Leah was trying to get love and approval from her husband in her bearing of children, except with the last child.  With this child, Judah, Leah said "This time I will praise the Lord."  

Let's learn to love with God's love.
Le'ts not love small or have a self-seeking love. What is difficult to accept is this: these people in our life that we cannot escape, have been assigned to us, positioned in our life, placed in our life to give us gain with our pain.  They bring out the worst in us, but we need this "worst" to be brought up and out until we do not bite the bait any longer.

Let's learn to love with insight - Philippians 1:9-10
It's never been a Biblical mandate to love blindly.  We need a love that knows.  A heart that is smart.  Ask for insight into our "testy" and our "foe."  When we do, we will have a love and compassion for them. Insight brings compassion.  It will also remind us to deal with our stuff.  If we do not deal with our stuff, we will be them someday - testy.

To see hard love as an offering on His altar.
Sweet to His senses is us sacrificing in order to be obedient to Him. How do we respond in Christ likeness in our love?  We say:           
Even though you do not love me, I will love you first because           God loved me first.  I'm willing to make a sacrifice for you.

This is how we initiate Christ in relationships.

With our foes, we need to forgive, bring it to the altar as a gift. Sacrificing our rights, all we would want to say, the grudge we would like to hold - lay it down and forgive.

When we don't forgive, it keeps the power over us.  Our hanging onto it is what keeps it happening over and over again.

Let's love well!  

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