Wednesday, September 9, 2015

When the Flood Comes

Each morning, I wake up to my First 5 App alarm reminding me to read a chapter in Genesis and also read the devotion.

Today, Wendy Pope was the author of the devotion I'm going to share with you.  Proverbs 31 women always inspire me in their devotions.  Marvelous truths are roped in each day.

Let me share with you Wendy Pope's devotion from Genesis chapter 8:

Genesis 8:1 (NIV) "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."

"Christians have many benefits as children of God, but flood-free lives are not one of them.  Perhaps this is one of the most difficult things to accept.

Noah spent his life walking with God, yet he and his family faced a horrific storm.  As the door of the ark was closed, Noah's only hope was to trust God through the unknown.

We all have faced unknown storms.  The untimely death of a family member.  The uncertainty of our health.  Unemployment.  Just to name a few.  But our key verse gives us a certainty for times that are uncertain.

No matter the severity of the storm or how we arrived in its eye, we can trust two simple truths about God and the floods we face: 1) God remembers His plan for us. 2) God remembers His love for us.

A storm doesn't mean God forgot us.  God remembered Noah and gave him instructions to build the ark.  It was Noah's obedient that kept his family safe when the flood rose.  In the same way, God directs us, and our safety often requires obedience.

Whether we are currently in a storm or just on the other side of one, we can be certain our storm will end.  Isn't it comforting to know that God will be with us through it all?"

More Moments About Genesis 8
"The ark was the place of refuge from the flood waters for Noah and his family.  We can take refuge in God when the waters begin to rise (Psalm 46:1-2).

Another source of refuge is His Word.  The psalmist writes in Psalm 119:25, I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to your word." 

Joshua 1:5
2 Samuel 22:31


  1. So many of our brothers and sisters are in a terrible storm right now. The news is full of stories of the horrific persecution facing our brothers/sisters right now! Many, many are crying out to God right now! I am looking forward to the IF Gathering because our Father will hear us right now!

  2. Yes He will Ginny. So many refugees are seeking a place of safety and refuge at this. Thousands of women will be gathering Monday night to pray for our nation and the world. We must continue lifting these things up to God in our war room of prayer each day.
