Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tracing the Picture of Christ in the Life of Joseph

 As promised, these are the 16 analogies Jen gave in session 8 of tracing the picture of Christ in the life of Joseph with a concluding notes.

1. We see a beloved son deeply loved by his father who sets his favor upon him.

2. A son who is hated for his words who prophesies his coming exaltation - just as Christ did.

3. We see a son sent forth by his father, and when he comes to those who should have received him gladly, he is rejected - just like Jesus.

4. Not only is he rejected but his brothers plot to kill him - just as the Jews plotted to kill Jesus.

5. His brothers listen to his words and disbelieve him - just as the Jews disbelieve Christ.

6. He is striped and sold to the Gentiles - Jesus was sold for a pittance, 30 pieces of silver.

7. He is tried by the Gentiles - just as Jesus' trial before Pilot.

8. He is handed over to justice though he had done nothing wrong - Jesus is handed over and held prisoner.

9. Joseph suffers between two companions - one who perishes and another who was saved - just as Christ hangs on the cross between two thieves.  One he tells will be with him in paradise.

10. Joseph is delivered alive from his judgment - just as is Christ at the appointed time.

11. Joseph is given the name "revealer of secrets" - A very Christ-like name if you think about it (Luke 10:22).

12. Not only this (#11) but did you notice in the story of Joseph, he is given a new name in the way Christ receives the name above all names.

13. Not only that, but Joseph is exalted over all of Egypt - Phil. 2:9-10 Jesus exalted.

14. Joseph is given outward signs of his status.  We see Jesus clothed in righteousness and honor and authority in the book of Revelation.

15. Joseph's glory is acknowledged by all, as the glory of Christ will one day be acknowledged by all.

16. Joseph becomes the source of bread to the world. John 6:32-33 Jesus is the bread of life.

God cannot wait to bring hope to His people.


I hope you remember this week that every day is a day to celebrate the announcement of Christ in the story of Joseph to see that the faithfulness of God stretches all the way back to 3500 years ago in the words of scripture. Also that we should follow Joseph's example to trust God in our circumstances and to wait patiently, that we should remember His faithfulness to us in the past.

There is a day coming when Christ will be exalted to the highest place who will exalt those who also have been humbled.  So we should humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord for He will lift us up.

The other that can be taken from this story, Jen says, is that those who are called to conform to the image of Christ, we too are called to share the bread of life with a world who is perishing with a spiritual famine.  We become the bread of life that is distributed from baskets to feed the 5000.

God is quick to show us this in the life of Joseph.  Thanks be to God!

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