Welcome to Session 9 of Jen Wilkin's Genesis study. These are my notes for this study.
The original audience would be thinking of how did the children of Israel end up in Egypt?
Chapter 41 was where we left off the story. There we saw Joseph in a position to give bread to the world. We also looked at 16 parellels between Joseph and Christ (look at the blog post "Tracing the Picture of Christ in the Life of Joseph").
Joseph was a "type" pointing to the greater reality that we see in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Genesis 42
Verses 1-5. Notice here what is happening: the old favoritism line is still rearing its head. The famine Joseph predicted begins to reach Canaan. It's severe enough that Jacob tells his sons to go get grain. They will die without it. Notice Jacob's tone though here: "why are you looking at one another?" He doesn't understand why they didn't initiate this on their own. Who does he send? The sons of Leah. He holds back Benjamin because of his old favoritism - Rachel and her offspring. He feared harm would happen to Benjamin. He doesn't fear harm to the others but he does to Benjamin.
Verses 7-14. Why does Joseph keep accusing them of being spies? He's trying to set up a test so he can learn a little bit about them - their motives. Have they changed or are they still the same? They do give Joseph some important information: their father is still alive. He knows also that they believe he is dead. They also say "sons of man." Why? They are appealing to the fact that being spies is an unlikely scenario.
Verses 15-17. Why does Joseph say for them to bring Benjamin there? Probably a motive would be he wants to ensure that Benjamin is protected during the time of famine. How unexpected is all of this? Let's see what 3 days locked up does to them, maybe Joseph is thinking.
Verses 18-21. What do we see happening among the brothers with their dialogue? They have examined their conscience and they begin to believe that their misfortune comes from the mistreatment they gave to Joseph.
Verse 22. What is happening here with Reuben's words? Reuben is now being the guy that everybody hates - the "I told you so" guy. What was Reuben's main concern back then regarding Joseph? An act of self-preservation.
Verse 23. Joseph was understanding all of their conversation, even though there is an interpreter between them. Apparently, Joseph is not speaking their native language that is why they do not recognize him. The Egyptians had a very different cultural style than the Hebrews as well. The Hebrews would have had full beards. Joseph was probably clean shaven.
Verse 24. Joseph wept. He heard them expressing regret of what they did to him. Simeon is bound.
Verse 25-35. Joseph sends them away with grain and their money. They feared. They trembled. They tell their father all.
Verse 36. How does Jacob respond? (Notice too that he's "Jacob" again and described as "their father"). Classic Jacob "me." This whole thing is a problem for him. Never mind the collective harm that could come.
Verse 37. What is Reuben doing in this verse? He's doing what Reuben does - making a play to regain his father's favor. How does Jacob take it? See verse 38.
Verse 38. He immediately rebuffs him. Hurtful speech by Jacob. Disregard for Leah's sons endures.
Genesis 43
Verses 1-5. The brothers return to Egypt. Why? Because the famine is very severe and they have run out of grain.
Verse 6. Notice Jacob is called "Israel" again. He does not want them to take Benjamin, even though this is the only choice they have of getting grain and Simeon is still there. It's still about him (Jacob) being mistreated.
Verse 8. We were told to keep our eye on Judah. Judah uses Jacob's language in the desperation of the situation. Judah has shifted the issue of "me", "mine" of Jacob to a "we" situation.
Verses 9-10. Once again, we see Jacob as we saw him in Dinah's story: frozen, unable to act and locked up in fear. Judah appears to be a chastened and changed man. What does he do? He offers to stand surety for Benjamin.
Verses 11-14. How does Israel respond? We see it here in these verses. He says to take double the money. It's not that they can't pay. It's just they don't have the resources where they are - they can't get grain unless they go to Egypt. But they think it's a matter of money.
Verses 15-22. We see next Joseph planning a feast for them in his house. The brothers think it's a trap to do with the money they found in their sacks.
Verse 23. Notice what the steward says: "peace to you....." What we are seeing here is a loving act of deception in a story that has been full of unloving deception.
Verses 29-32. He still has to see if anything has changed. He's still not sure about them. We find later on why the Egyptians cannot eat with the Hebrews. They believe that the herdsmen whole trade was an abomination but this will end up being for the protection of the Hebrew people.
Verse 33. Why would they look at one another in amazement? Because somehow Joseph knows their birth order.
Verse 34. Things began to relax a little bit here.
Genesis 44
Verses 1-12. Once again, Joseph tests them. The final test is the silver cup hidden in Benjamin's sack. The brothers apprehended. The cup is found in Benjamin's sack. Benjamin must remain as his servant. The brothers are, of course, devastated.
Verse 13. They are going back thinking they cannot take Benjamin with them. What does Joseph say Benjamin's fate will be? A servant in Egypt. They didn't see a problem with doing that to Joseph but now they have changed.
Verses 14-17. Look what happens with Judah. He speaks up for them all.
Verses 30-44. Judah basically says he is pledged to protect Benjamin. He will remain in place of Benjamin. Judah has changed. Judah becomes a substitute. He wants to bear the cost. He wants to take on the punishment himself. We see Judah:
- become like a firstborn
- look an awful lot like the one who will come through his line: Jesus Christ Himself
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