Matthew 6:19
These are my notes for this session.
Another way to self-motivate towards righteousness is found in this verse.
Jesus will now turn our attention earthward - the world around us and how to relate to that.
He will start talking about possessions. He will bring us pairs of things and contrast them.
Verses 19-21. This example would be very familiar to their culture - moth and treasures. What does He mean by laying up treasures? Don't hoard or heap up; having more than we need and guarding it. He's going to contrast two kinds of treasures:
1) Treasures here on earth
2) Treasures in heaven
He gives us a better way: lay up treasures in heaven. He gives a very significant closing statement: "where your treasure is...." - treasures in heaven? What are we supposed to do?
Treasures here on earth are not ours. We are stewards here. We don't have a sense of eternity (Eccl. 3:11).
Jesus is saying here that we have to shift our focus. Egyptian kings stored up treasures - look at the grave sites.
We need to ask this question: what are the only things we get to take with us when we are gone?
1) Our own soul, our character
2) Lord willing, the souls of other people
Storing up treasures in heaven means we invest in loving other people. We look for ways to grow in character and Christ-likedness. Two different contrasts:
Matthew 6:22-23. Jesus is warning against having eyes that are pulled to the things of this world. If that is the case, there is darkness you will be letting in. Look at the story of Eve in Genesis 3:1-6.
1) She saw the fruit
2) She desired the fruit
3) She took the fruit
4) Spread the consequences
Same cycle with Achan, King David; this cycle of sin relies on us believing a certain lie: "it doesn't hurt to look."
There are two kinds of eyes:
1) It won't hurt to look or
2) Eyes that say I am going to make a covenant not to look on the thing that could bring me into temptation
We need to ask the Lord to give us eyes that long to look on what is good and right.
Now, Jesus will tell us about two kings of masters in Matthew 6:24.
Mathew 6:24. Loving money means loving self. Master and slave. What His listeners would have heard was it is not possible to be a slave to two things. We see this in Romans 6:16-18: slaves to evil and slaves to righteousness.
James 1:6-8 also talks about this: double-minded. He wants them to acknowledge they are a slave of God now.
Two masters: earthly and heavenly.
Verse 25. Jesus says this: "therefore." The whole next discussion is based on what He's just talked about.
Verses 25-27. The "therefore" is telling us that if we choose the wrong treasure, the wrong eye, the wrong master, we will be anxious. We are seeking after things that can never give us what we need them to give us. Anxiety among women is more than men. We have turned worry into an art form. "Don't worry about the clothes you will wear or food etc."
The issue here is extras that bring glory to us. Jesus picks up on that in verse 26. He's going to unpack that He is a "how much more God."
Verse 27 - adding to our span of life or a single inch to his height. What is the meaning that is lurking here? It's who wouldn't want to add more stature to the way that they proceed.
Verses 28-29. Solomon is outwardly clothed beautifully but the lilies are outer and inner beauty - internal and external holiness.
Verse 30. Jesus is pressing on an OT reference here that He wants them to remember. Isaiah 40:7-8 "the grass of the field" is us. "You little faiths" is the literal translation. He reveals worry for what it really is: an act of faithlessness. Because God has promised He will give us what we need. When we don't believe this, we are calling God unfaithful to do what He's promised or be who He says He is.
Verses 31-32. "Therefore." He knows we need.
Verse 33. Jesus is saying your goal is not to have all the things you want or need but your goal is to have treasure in heaven, and have eyes that are fixed on your Savior, and to know that there is one master you need to serve.
When that comes into line, we cease worrying because our heart is set in the right place. Our decision making changes and we will see we did have everything necessary for life.
Verse 34. "Therefore". Jesus has said there will be trouble but we can be free from worry.
1) How can we be a person who has one treasure, one vision and one master? Where is our heart divided? Ask God.
2) What anxieties have you treasured? Ask God.
Next: Session 8 Judging Others
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