Friday, April 19, 2024

 Session 1: Sermon on the Mount

This is session 1 of the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7.  Jen Wilkin is the Bible teacher in this 9 session series.  These are my notes from session 1.

Session 1 is the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount.

Context of Sermon

Written by Matthew 65 or so A.D.  Matthew wants the Jewish audience to understand that Jesus is the Messiah who was foretold.  He's going to build his gospel around this, which is why there are 66 references to the OT here.  He wants the Jewish audience to understand - "this is the One."  

Chapter 1

He wants them to understand Jesus as King starting in Matthew 1:1 - geneology.  

Chapter 2

Christmas story.

Chapter 3

John the Baptist enters.

Matthew 3:1-2.  A phrase introduced "The Kingdom of Heaven" 33 times in Matthew, 6 times in the Sermon on the Mount.

The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of grace here and the Kingdom of glory hereafter.  The already and not yet.

The Kingdom of Heaven is our present reality and a future greater reality.  

Chapter 4 

Temptation, calling of disciples.

Chapter 5:1-2

We then go into three chapters where Jesus is going to unfold what He was preaching in 4:17 - "repent......".

If Jesus' message was this in 4:17, what do you think His message will be in the Sermon on the Mount? "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

Let's look at how the Sermon on the Mount is setup in these verses: 5:1:

1. The first question: why are there crowds? Look at Matthew 4:23-25.  Because He has been doing miraculous signs and wonders.

2. Who is His audience?  What did this sermon say to its original hearers? 5:1-2 - His disciples were taught by Him.  Primary audience: the disciples (12).  Secondary audience: the crowds.

3. Why does Jesus sit down?  The language in these verses is very deliberate.  He's proclaiming Jesus as King.  Psalm 80:1-2.  Hebrews 1:3 - Jesus is seated.  The mercy seat is where Jesus sits.  He is being portrayed for us as the King.

4. Why on a mountain side? Matthew 17- transfiguration.  Mattew 24.  Mathew 28 - Great commission on mountain sides.  Why these scenes on a mountain top by Matthew? Go to Exodus 19: 9-20.  The law given.  Exodus 20:18-21 fear.  People stood far off.  Moses draws near.  No name given in Matthew of the mountain.  Look at the contrast in Exodus and Matthew.  Jesus gives the law of liberty in Matthew.  God with us.  Isaiah 2:3 - in Matthew, this prophecy is fulfilled.

Treasure that we can draw near.

Next: session 2


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